Friday, May 24, 2013

How Can You Subscribe to G7KidChronicles?

Hello friends and family!

So, many of you have asked if it is possible to subscribe to the new blog, If you clicked on that link and got nowhere, it's because it's a private blog and you have to have an invite to read it.

The answer to the subscription question is, not really, but kind of. Because the blog is private, there are no feeds from it, which means you can't get an alert in your inbox when a new entry is posted. I know how aggravating this can be, because, honestly, with everything else going on in your life, who has time to keep checking back to some random blog for new entries? Well, at least I know that I myself rarely ever get my friends' private blogs read, b/c that oh-so-convenient new post doesn't show up magically in my inbox.

Anyway, I think I have a workaround. Whenever I post a new entry in G7KidChronicles, I will post a link to it on this blog, ChroniclesofLetty, which will remain public. Therefore, if you are following ChroniclesofLetty, you will see the link to G7KidChronicles in your inbox or google reader. You can then click on the link, and as long as you are an authorized reader, you should be able to be redirected to G7KidChronicles and read the new post just fine. And anyone else who randomly clicks the link by accident just gets the 'private blog' notice. (If YOU get this notice and are not a robot, contact me, and tell me you need an invite to the blog). Voila! Feed problem solved! Try the latest blog post link below and see if it works!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yay for ANOTHER new blog!

I know, I know, as if I didn't have enough blogging projects! Just wanted you all to know what's taking my time and energy away from Chronicles! But once school is out for the summer I hope to have more time to devote to FINALLY finishing up the entries on our 4 months in London, and changing the wallpaper! Hah!

Let me know if you want an invite to the new blog (this one's private) and I'll send one your way!