So, our marriage boasts two highly diversified types drivers. Driver A drives when there are children, guests and old people on board. Driver B drives when we need to get somewhere in a hurry, expect to be lost, or heavy traffic is anticipated. Driver A has a clean record and a ready hand to wave another less-fortunate driver in. Driver B has several citations and a ready hand to lay on the horn when some moron tries to cut us off. I profoundly hope that, given the need, we will both be able to learn a little from the other to diversify our driving experience for changing life circumstances. However, for the time being our roles remain highly bifurcated.
Thus far, having two radically different options to put in the driver's seat has served us very well. For example, thanks to Driver A, we are both alive and well, still driving the same cars after 18th months, and still at the same, low insurance rate (Thank you, USAA). Thanks to Driver B, we successfully caught a flight departing in 60 minutes when we were 40 minutes out (per Driver A statistics.) Thanks to Driver B, we regularly negotiate downtown rush hour Chicago traffic with the same speed as the cab drivers, and make our way through accident and construction blockages twice as fast as anyone else. We also make rapid u-turns, illegal left turns, 3 pt. turns, 5 pt. turns, and 7 pt. turns, to get where Google-maps would have us go- however inadequately instructed.(No thank you, Google-maps).
Obviously, should you be instructing a young and impressionable driver, you would wish to call upon Driver A. Also, should you be transporting precious cargo (like children) fragile cargo (depleted Uranium rounds) or contraband items of any kind-Driver A is the way to go. But if you ever really, really, really need to get somewhere; if you ever reach some point where being late could mean a missed flight, or failing a final exam, or the end of your career---call Letty.
Well written. Very funny. Great ending. Loved the use of the word bifurcated. I love that word.