Thursday, April 26, 2012

Top 10 Reasons I am Grateful For My Amazing Husband-Happy 3rd Anniversary!


1. You are good company, sweetheart. You are fun to walk with, talk with, sit and swing with. It’s even enjoyable to be on a treadmill next to you, and that’s saying something.

2. You are very, very sexy. You are one of the handsomest husbands I know! I get a little thrill of pride when I walk into a room with you and get to claim you as mine. I love to be introduced as your wife.
3.  You are amazingly intelligent. You understand data with stunning swiftness, and have the capacity to envision quickly and easily how a project, process, or product can be made better. I’m sorry if I have ceased to be surprised when you tell me that your GPA went up a little closer to 4.0, or that you had the highest grade for the course. I now just quietly expect you to be brilliant.
4. You have a wonderful sense of adventure! You are up for just about anything. I love to go exploring with you, new museums, new restaurants, new highways, new countries. Hungry, late, lost, thrown out, thrown off…we always have a wonderful time!

 5. You have a deep intellectual curiosity that is an essential part of your being. Your desire to know and understand more about everything drives so much that is wonderful in our lives.  You constantly challenge me to learn and be more.

6. You are a willing and involved listener to all of my stories. Whether I am telling you an endless list of woes, hypothesizing about our future children, sharing the entire plot from a book, or enthusiastically making lists and plans - you LISTEN.
 7. You are a righteous priesthood holder.  You are the spiritual leader in our home and constantly strive to center our lives more on Christ. Whether it is asking me to kneel in prayer with you each morning, or reminding me to read my scriptures at night, my heart rejoices in your love for the Lord and the ways it has, and will, bless our family.
8.  You laugh at my jokes. Knowing that you think I am funny makes my day, just about every day.
 9. You work harder than anyone I have ever known. And if you’ve met my dad, that’s saying a lot. You routinely get up before dawn and work long hours through the day, retiring past midnight to begin again the next day. Occasionally you break for food. I cannot imagine where you find the strength and resilience to move from a demanding day at the office to even more demanding work with your church calling, and then move on to homework and OCR prep, but somehow you do. And far past the point where I know that I could go no farther, you someone manage to keep going another day.
10.    You are 100% dedicated to God, to me, and to family.  These priorities are reflected every day in the choices you make. You so rarely take a moment for yourself. The dedication you show to serving the Lord and serving our family inspires me every day.  Being married to you gives me the gift of assurance and calm that we will weather every storm life can throw at us and still remain upright. Perhaps a bit bent and storm-worn at times, but we still stand.
 Darling, it has been a fabulous three years. I can’t wait to have another 90 with you! And yes, I do believe humans will be living to 120 by the time we reach it!
To close, I think the lyrics to this Brad Paisley song “Then” describe our love story perfectly!

I remember, trying not to stare the night that I first met you
You had me mesmerized
And three weeks later, in the front porch light
taking forty-five minutes to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you yet
but I thought I loved you then

And now you're my whole life
now you're my whole world
I just can't believe the way I feel about you, girl
Like a river meets the sea,
stronger than it's ever been.
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then

And I remember, taking you back to right where I first met you,
You were so surprised
There were people around, but I didn't care
Got down on one knee right there once again,
I thought I loved you then

I could just see you, with a baby on the way
And I could just see you, when your hair is turning gray
What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more
But I've said that before…

*As always, much thanks to our fabulous wedding photographer for the images, Greg Lappin Photography.

1 comment:

  1. We are anniversary twinners! April 25th, 2009 really was a doubly awesome day! Congrats to you guys. Hope all is well with you. It has been fun to hear about your adventures in England.
