Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Come Watch a 2.5 Minute Video About Adoption Passalong Cards!

First, we are so grateful to all of you for sharing our initial blog link on your Facebook walls and via messages. The beautiful responses and support from everyone has kept smiles on our faces for the last month. And okay, okay – we know we specifically said monthly updates, and this is coming at 3 weeks, but we just got our adoption passalong cards in the mail!

1)    We would love it if you would please “join” the event we launched today from our Facebook page.  What’s the event? Letty made a super-cute 2.5 minute Storyboard Video explaining adoption passalong cards – which we are asking all of our friends and family to help us pass out! You should have an invitation to the event in your inbox, or you can click on this link to go there directly and join it.

2)   Please also post the link to this page to your FB timeline so people can find it that way.

If you would like a digital file or some passalong cards (Letty ordered a few thousand) let us know how many (5, 10, 25 or more!) and we will get them in the mail to you the next day! At the very least, it’s great to keep an adoption passalong card in your wallet, because you never know when you might need it!

Love, Letty and Richard

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