Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Motivational Seminar Report!

The motivational conference was very interesting, not just from the perspective of what was said and shared by the guest speakers, but from the reaction of the people around me, about what they were hearing and learning. It was fascinating to people-watch, and study the people who had paid significantly in order to be present that day, to ‘get motivated.’ I could not help but compare the entire day to the two days of General Conference that the LDS church broadcasts on a bi-annual basis. One of the tenets of the Mormon faith is our belief that God has called a prophet and 12 apostles again in this day and age, beginning with the restoration of his church through the first modern-day prophet, Joseph Smith, in 1820. Because I truly believe that God actually speaks to and inspires these men, I eagerly await the bi-annual conferences in which the 12 apostles present 15 minutes talks about any subject they feel inspired to share about. These talks are broadcast live in the bi-annual General Conference, and are inspiring and life-changing instructions on how to live a happy, beautiful, and Godly life.

A common theme of the speakers at this secular motivational conference was the importance of a religious faith or creed in their life, and I was struck by how the best speakers often touched on a truth or a theme that I had recently heard shared at General Conference of my Church. I was also fascinated by the comments of people around me “That is so smart!” “Wow, I never saw it like that” “What an incredible take on life.” Etc etc. And I could not help but think that should any of those present at this seminar take the time to view an hour or two of General Conference, they would be blown away by the wisdom of the advice dispensed there by Christ’s servants, for free, regardless of their personal religious beliefs, or relationship with Christ.

I think the best way to share highlights from the motivational conference will be as a series of posts, which I will share in the order the presenters spoke, not necessarily in the order of my preference. Some of them I’m just skipping completely because they were simply a waste of my time altogether, failing to say anything profound, or even interesting. If I am sharing a direct quote, I will attempt to put it into quotes. However, realize that these notes are a conglomeration of my personal thoughts and what was actually spoken, and at this point are impossible to separate, so you will probably get a mix of Letty-isms throughout. Some of the speakers might be amazed to discover what they ‘said’ to me that day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to go to this conference, I look forward to reading your posts! (and I'm glad you guys are all okay from the tornado, I didn't know it hit so close to home for you! Eeks!)
