Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Resolution New Year: Make Less Resolutions

I stopped taking these seriously ever since the year that I discovered in December I had not even completed ONE of my New Year's resolutions effectively. But I have since decided that less is more.  In the hopes that making only three resolutions will guarantee a higher success rate, I made a short, prioritized list for 2012. All of the other things I would like to do with this year I'll just go ahead and slant into the New Year's Wishes category from the get-go.  That way when time gets tight I know how to prioritize...resolutions over wishes and all that.
1. Take better care of my spiritual self. Lately things have been so busy that I have been spending very little time in prayer or in the scriptures. I do pretty well at serving others and volunteering at church, but as far as my personal relationship with my Heavenly Father is concerned, I think it needs some tender care and nurturing. In 2012 I want to spend at least 30 min. in the scriptures daily, and pray both morning and night (without falling asleep mid-thought). Also in the words of the Book of Mormon prophet Alma, I want to "let my heart be lifted up unceasingly in prayer unto Him."

2. Run a half-marathon. 2011 was the year of weight loss, so I think 2012 looks good for the year of fitness. I know most people do those simultaneous, but I took the HCG shortcut.  However, I want to be able to rock-climb in Alaska, hike through Scotland, or bike through South America should the opportunities present themselves.  I am tired of being limited by what my body can and can't do.  Recent events have helped me gain an appreciation for the supreme gift of a healthy, functioning body. It seems incredibly wasteful to let diet and/or laziness limit the capacity of that body to achieve.

3. Work.  I know, I know, most people have New Year's resolutions to work less. But being self-employed is a very difficult thing to do...especially when there is so much else to crowd in and soak up the time you should spend working. As the student loans mount and Richard is approaching the end of his schooling (and we've only dear Betsy left for transport) I'm going to do my best to work all the hours and/or jobs I can find to help reduce his stress-load.

And that's it for the resolutions. These three things I am determined to achieve. All of my New Years' Wishes I will just keep percolating and work on when I get a chance.  But if push comes to shove in a tight schedule, I know what's going overboard to lighten the load. 

New Year's Wishes
1. Be more pro-active in spending time with girl friends, and spending time with our other couple friends. Make room for people other than just ourselves and family.  Do this by organizing a book club, a monthly game night, and taking the time to organize a girl's night rather than crash on the couch with a book or a new tv series to watch...

2. Make more time to testify of Christ, and support the missionaries. Help them with teaching appointments, make a monthly dinner appointment with them. Also, write letters to Michael (Richard's brother) consistently for the last few months of his mission, even though I've slacked off most of the two years. And find the time to get the odd letter or two off to my cousin Lee Raleigh as well, also serving a mission. Get in practice now in the first part of the year before Rose leaves on HER mission this summer, so I can be a rock star letter-writer for her.

3. Keep a clean house. Just spending 30 min. a day cleaning can go a long way to reducing clutter and improving cleanliness. This year I vow that even if I can't get to my bathroom with a deep clean as often as I like (being either at the gym or working) I can at least hit it with some clorox wipes fairly frequently...same goes for the kitchen floor.  And even if I can't get all Richard's papers off the floor, I can at least run the vacuum cleaner AROUND them.  And I"m really going to give this dusting thing a valiant effort at consistency.

4. Blog and Journal. Since journaling is usually an Epic Fail for me, I'm hoping that a somewhat consistent blog will at least gives snapshots as to what I was thinking, feeling, ranting, or taking snapshots of. I find that I really enjoy blogging. Probably part of the immense hubris that goes hand and hand with anyone who consistently least on a public blog. My favorite emails to get are comments on my blog. I luv them. Unhealthily so, probably. The thought that people are actually reading what you write is incredibly addicting. And anyone who says they don't care if people read them or not is lying. If that were the case, their blog would be private. Or a word file on their desktop.    

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